Artist Statement

My overall theme revolves around capturing and expressing the energy of a place, as I experience it. Exploring what it is about a place that triggers the feelings in me.

Currently I am interested in capturing the euphoria and emotional intensity I find in the mountains of North Wales. I have lived here for over 10 years now and walk, run and climb in the mountains never tiring of the moods, forms and varying light that I witness in the natural world. I aim to capture this in my work in both a figurative and abstracted sense, each emphasising the role that the actual forms play in that emotion.

I also really enjoy working with texture and incorporating elements of my environment into the painting itself, aiding expression and symbolism. The symbolic is something I work with on a daily basis in my work as a tarot reader, and as I am working with a scene or piece of work I am shown the symbolic meaning of what is being created, often times finding places in myself through what is showing itself on the canvas as I work.

My interest in feelings stems from many years ago when I found a fascination with how our emotions react to the outside world and how it is us the viewer who brings meaning to what is seen rather than the outside world itself being as concrete as sometimes we assume. I want to express the inner on the outer and if what I see is different from what you see, as you look at my work, all the better…

Purchasing work

Most of the work on this site is available to buy – some with the option of framed or unframed. Contact me on the form below for details of sizes, prices and framing options. Commissions also accepted. Recently completed work can be seen on my facebook page  Please have a look around and like my page – thank you